South Asia

South Asia: Water Deficits in Uttar Pradesh, Surpluses Now Possible in Odisha

Water deficits are now expected to be most intense during the second half of the monsoon season (August-October 2015), with exceptional deficits centered on Uttar Pradesh and surrounding areas. Moderate surpluses are now forecast for Odisha and northern Andhra Pradesh.

Severe to Exceptional Water Deficits Forecast for Indian Monsoon Season

Severe to exceptional water deficits are forecast during the South Asian Monsoon season for large portions of India, particularly in the north in Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand, and in a central eastward swath that includes Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, and Orissa. This pattern is similar to deficits encountered during the 2014 monsoon season and, as a result, may lead to significant impacts on people, agriculture, and industry.

Himalayas: Exceptional surplus conditions continue into summer

Portions of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, and southern China are forecast to experience exceptional water surpluses during this period.  This raises the possibility of broad area flooding, particularly if the monsoon begins while the ground is already saturated from earlier surpluses.