ISciences authors a presentation series on the evolution of multilateral agreements related to climate change - Kyoto and Beyond - to encourage public discussion of global environmental security issues.
Sunrise in Madagascar
The Kyoto Protocol, drafted in 1997, expired in 2012 and was renewed for a second commitment period ending 2020. The Protocol is a first attempt on the part of nations, with mixed results, to stem "dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system." The specter of climate change poses significant challenges as we seek to improve and sustain our common future.
2015 "Road to Paris COP21" (PowerPoint® slideshow)
2015 "Road to Paris COP21" (pdf)
2014 "Road to Lima COP20" (PowerPoint® slideshow)
2014 "Report on Warsaw COP19" (PowerPoint® slideshow)
2013 "Report on Doha COP18" (PowerPoint® slideshow)
2012 "Road to Doha COP18" (PowerPoint® slideshow)
2012 "Road to Doha COP18" (narrated video)
2012 "Report on Rio+20" (PowerPoint® slideshow)
2012 "Report on Rio+20" [narrated video]
2012 "Road to Rio+20" (PowerPoint® slideshow)
2012 "Road to Rio+20" (narrated video)
2012 "Report on Durban COP17" (PowerPoint® slideshow)
2011 "Road to Durban COP17" (PowerPoint® slideshow)
2011 "Report on Cancun COP16" (PowerPoint® slideshow)
2010 "Road to Cancun COP16" (PowerPoint® slideshow)
2009 "Report on Copenhagen COP15" (PowerPoint® slideshow)
2008 "Kyoto and Beyond: The Evolution of Multilateral Agreements on Climate Change" (PowerPoint® slideshow)
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