Moderate water surpluses are forecast in India in an area fanning out from Gujarat. Deficits are expected in much of India’s southern half from Maharashtra south, and in central Odisha, north of Delhi, and the Thar Desert. Surpluses are forecast in eastern Afghanistan, Jammu and Kashmir, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh. Deficits are expected to persist in western Afghanistan and southwestern Pakistan. Deficits are forecast to begin emerging in Bhutan and northeastern India states in July and increase through February.
South Asia: India transitioning to water surplus in western midsection, Ganges Basin, & Chennai
The forecast indicates a transition in India from widespread and exceptional water deficits throughout the country to surpluses in India’s western midsection, in the Ganges Basin, and near Chennai. Surpluses are also forecast in India’s northernmost states and in much of Bangladesh. In general, water surpluses are forecast for eastern Afghanistan and deficits in the west. Deficits are expected to persist in southern Pakistan, and both deficits and surpluses are expected in the north.
South Asia: Moderate water surpluses forecast across India, deficits in the south
South Asia: Water deficits to persist in India, transition to moderate surpluses in June
Widespread water deficits are forecast in India through May, with exceptional deficits from Gujarat through Rajasthan, and in India's southern tip. From June through November a transition to moderate surpluses is forecast across central India; deficits are expected in Assam. Flooding is forecast in August along the Gandaki River in Nepal.
South Asia: Water deficits forecast to persist in India, transitioning to surpluses in June
Widespread water deficits, with large areas of exceptional deficits, are forecast for much of India through April 2016. Both deficits and surpluses are forecast during this period for southeastern India and Sri Lanka. Deficits are expected to transition to moderate to severe surpluses June through October. Moderate surpluses are also forecast to emerge along the northern portion of the Indus River in Pakistan in August.