In the US, water deficits are forecast to persist through February from Pennsylvania and Ohio southward to the Gulf but will diminish in severity thereafter. Much of the far Northeast, with the exception of Vermont, is expected to return to near-normal conditions December through February. Surpluses will continue to emerge in Wisconsin, southern Minnesota, and northern Iowa through February, and Idaho, western Montana, and Washington through May. Moderate deficits will emerge March through May in Maine, southern New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, and from North Carolina through Florida.
United States: Water surpluses in Upper Midwest, Northwest, deficits in the South
The outlook for the United States through January indicates that water deficits will dominate the Ohio River Valley west through Arkansas and south to the Gulf, as well as the Delaware and lower Susquehanna drainages. Surpluses of varying severity are forecast for a vast block of the Northwest, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and eastern North Carolina. From February through April the severity of both deficits and surpluses will diminish and some states in the Midwest and Northeast will transition to near-normal conditions. However, surpluses will persist in much of the Northwest and Upper Midwest.
United States: Water deficits persist in the Northeast, surpluses in Upper Midwest
The outlook for the United States through December indicates that water deficits will continue to dominate much of the northeastern US, though the expanse of exceptional deficits is expected to shrink. Significant deficits will also persist from Ohio through the South, in Southern California, and along the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers. A large block of surpluses will persist in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa. After December deficits across the country will diminish considerably but surpluses in the upper Midwest are expected to persist and moderate surpluses will emerge in the Rocky Mountain States.
United States: Water deficits to lessen, surpluses in Upper Mississippi Basin
The forecast for the United States through November includes widespread extreme water deficits throughout the East and on the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers, with moderate deficits in the West. A large pocket of surpluses is forecast along the Upper Mississippi River, encompassing southern Minnesota, much of Wisconsin, eastern Iowa, and northern Illinois. From December through February deficits across the US are forecast to diminish; surpluses will persist in Minnesota and Wisconsin and will continue to emerge southward.
United States: Extreme water deficits forecast in the Northeast, Southeast
The outlook for the United States through October indicates the persistence of widespread severe to extreme water deficits throughout the Northeast and the continued emergence of severe deficits in the Southeast. Deficits are also forecast for the West, Southwest, and Northern Border States. Water surpluses are forecast in western Wisconsin, southeastern Minnesota, eastern Iowa, Nebraska, eastern Texas, and southwestern Kentucky. After October, widespread deficits are forecast to diminish in extent and severity with the exception of the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers, and in the Southeast. Surpluses are expected to persist in Wisconsin, eastern Minnesota, northeastern Iowa, and Nebraska. Moderate surpluses will emerge in Southern California and central Arizona, and later, throughout the Rocky Mountains States.