The June Outlook indicates exceptionally hotter than normal temperatures in a number of places throughout the world including southern China, the Philippines, and parts of Southeast Asia and Indonesia. Precipitation anomalies will be, overall, moderate and less extensive. Wet anomalies include a wide band across the breadth of Brazil and into Bolivia and Paraguay.
Global Precipitation & Temperature Outlook July 2019
United States: Exceptional water surpluses forecast for S. Dakota
The forecast through August 2019 indicates persistent water surpluses in a wide path through the center of the country in the Mississippi River Basin and well into the Missouri, Arkansas, and Red River Basins, including exceptional anomalies in South Dakota. Surpluses of varying intensity are expected in the Rockies, central Arizona, California, Oregon, and in the Northeast. Deficits are forecast for pockets of Washington, North Dakota, Wisconsin, and southeastern states.
Global Precipitation & Temperature Outlook June 2019
Global Precipitation & Temperature Outlook May 2019
The May Outlook includes a forecast of exceptional warm anomalies in a number of places including northern Alaska; the State of São Paulo, Brazil and through the Andes from Colombia through northern Chile; and, around the Gulf of Guinea in Africa. Central Tanzania is expected to be much wetter than normal. Widespread, moderate to severe wet anomalies are forecast in a broad path in the U.S. from Michigan through Louisiana.