
Europe: Water surpluses forecast between France & Germany, deficits in Finland

Europe: Water surpluses forecast between France & Germany, deficits in Finland

Water deficits are forecast through September in parts of Central Europe, Eastern Europe, the Baltics, southern Norway and Sweden, and Finland. Surpluses are expected in northern France and across the border into Germany, Belgium, and in southern Netherlands. From October on, surpluses are expected to emerge, first in Scotland, Germany, Norway and Sweden; and later in other parts of Central Europe, the Baltics, and Finland. Deficits are forecast for the Iberian Peninsula. 

Europe: Water surpluses to persist in N. France, deficits forecast for Germany, Poland

Europe: Water surpluses to persist in N. France, deficits forecast for Germany, Poland

Water surpluses are forecast through August for northeastern France; northern Portugal and Galicia, Spain; and North Yorkshire, United Kingdom. Water deficits are forecast for Germany, Poland, western Ukraine, Finland, the Baltics, Mediterranean Spain, Corsica, the Peloponnese region of Greece, and Crete. Deficits are expected to persist in Finland and the Baltics. With the exception of deficits in Finland, both deficits and surpluses throughout Europe are forecast to diminish in severity after August.

Europe: Water deficits to persist in Mediterranean Europe, surpluses persist in UK & Ireland

Water deficits will persist in parts of Mediterranean Europe including southern Spain and Portugal, Sardinia, Sicily, southern Greece, and Crete. Surpluses will persist in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Central and Eastern Europe are transitioning from surplus to deficits. Exceptional deficits are forecast for Finland and the Baltics.

Europe: Water deficits forecast to persist in Mediterranean Europe, emerge in Baltics & Scandinavia

Water deficits are forecast to persist in parts of Mediterranean Europe, especially southern Spain, Sardinia, Sicily, southern Greece, and Crete. Central and Eastern Europe will transition from surplus to deficits, with the exception of eastern Hungary, which will remain wet. Deficits are forecast for Northern Europe, including Finland, Sweden, the Baltics, and later on, Norway.

Europe: Severe to exceptional water deficits forecast in Mediterranean Europe, Finland, & the Baltics; surpluses in Ireland, Wales, Scotland

Severe to exceptional water deficits are forecast to emerge throughout Mediterranean Europe, with greatest extent and severity in eastern Spain, Sardinia, Sicily, Campania (Italy), southern Greece, and Crete. Deficits are also forecast in Finland and the Baltics. Surpluses are forecast for Ireland, Wales, and Scotland.